T500E Indicator Totalcomp


T500E Indicator Totalcomp

T500E Toalcomp Weighing indicator with an extremely small package size. Private labled from TI-500E Transcell technology. Comes with green LED display. Full duplex RS232 serial port.T500E have ABS plastic enclosure, T500ESS has SS enclosure. All have stainless steel
swivel stand. 120 VAC adapter is included. 15 ft load cell cable with connector included.
NTEP 96-028 III 5,000 div.

34 in stock (can be backordered)


T500E Indicator Totalcomp

T500E Weighing indicator Totalcomp with an extremely small package size. with green LED display. Full duplex RS232 serial port.T500E have ABS plastic enclosure, T500ESS has SS enclosure. TI-500E and T500E is the most popular scale weighing indicator for Floor scales. Used in many industrial weighing applications, durable unit with a very good Green LED display for easy viewing. T500E or TI-500E and the TI-500ESS all comes with stainless steel swivel stand. 120 VAC adapter is included. 15 ft load cell cable with connector included fro easy set up and operation.
NTEP 96-028 III 5,000 div.
Specification Sheet

Additional information

Weight 5.0 lbs